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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Decorating Endeavors Part IV: the Dining Room!

Clearly, it has been a while since I updated this.  I started school. That is my excuse.  I do nothing now but work, go to school, study, and listen to Georgia whine incessantly for attention (sorry Georgia)!

This is Georgia's default position these days
I also spend a lot of time painting my nails. It is part of my mental process, don't ask. I did manage to make it to the Baltimore Book Festival and the Harbor East Fall Festival yesterday- Friday nights/Saturdays are my days off.  I also saw "Easy A" on Friday night and it was a nice, fun little escape.  All these people were lined up to see serious movies like "Wall Street" and "The Town" but these days I prefer movies that have either a) penguins b)dancing c) a lot of sarcasm or d) dancing sarcastic penguins. 

ANYWAY, I promised pictures of the dining room to half a dozen people or so, so here they are!!

The dining room, in the beginning- notice there is nothing there...

Dining room round 1.
First, we tried painting the dining room and the living room this yellow color.  It stayed yellow for approximately 3 months, then turned this tan/brown/ill color.  Dan insisted it was fine but it gnawed away at me.  It actually looks a bit green in this picture but what do I know?  Also notice the lack of dog crate in this picture...

There's the dog crate! Edmond decided to try it out and since I am evil (see previous post) I politely asked Georgia to join him.  She kindly obliged, Edmond was confused.
Then, I decided NO MORE VALSPAR! TO HELL WITH THEM AND THEIR CHANGING COLORS!  It probably wasn't their fault.  I moved on to Benjamin Moore, dill pickle.  It ended up being... browny green.  I don't know what it is about this house and color.  It sucks it up.  Granted, I also decided that the color swatch was lying to me and that the green would look greener in person.  I was wrong.  You can see dill pickle behind my lovely, confused, caged animals above.  It did not please my delicate sensibilities.  At this point, Dan decided that painting was a job I could do myself unless he was EXPRESSLY asked to help.  I don't blame him. Smart man.

Third time's the charm!

If this isn't green, then I can't pick green out of a line-up.
Tada!!!! Grape green by Benjamin Moore.  It is green.  Very. Green.  I love it!  Also you will notice that the furniture is different.  My mom decided she didn't want her marble top Saarinen tulip table.  Who does that?!  I reap the benefits :).  

In an attempt to create a reading nook in the other room,
we moved this big cedar bookshelf into the dining room for storage purposes.
I think it works out quite nicely, as does Edmond.

So the microwave had to find a new home when we moved the kitchen about.  This is what happens- I try to "clean up" one room and then I find myself shifting the entire house around.  It's a domino effect.  The whole house is communist now too (bad history joke, sorry). 

Dan built this table out of some old shelves we had.  It is a perfect tea station/dog crate cover.
Georgia likes having a cave too!

Like I said, GREEN!

After 3 different colors, multiple furniture placements and a lot of swearing at the ceiling fan for blowing dog hair around when I was trying to paint ( I wised up to its plan and turned it off eventually), I have my lovely dining room.  Yay!

Next stop... the living room!