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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bunny Cake Results!!

I just realized that I never shared the results of the ULTIMATE BUNNY CAKE ADVENTURE!!!!!

Bunny cake accoutrements
So, this year our bunny had a bit of a skin condition- partially because the cake was a bit dry and crumbly and the frosting wasn't adhering like it usually does and partially because my family has an absurd sense of humor.  When you see dots candy, do you automatically think pimple? My mom and brother do apparently.

Making a bunny cake is a messy business
The poor bunny has a zit. Also, sometimes less is more, but not with a bunny cake that already has acne. We decided that a mountain of sprinkles, some m&m eyes and a sprinkle widow's peak was necessary for this year's bunny.  BEHOLD!!

The finished bunny cake!!!

I have a theory

Our house is located next to a pass-through.

This means two things: 1. we have a lot of windows 2. there is an extraordinary amount of traffic going by said windows.  Now that I am home for a lot of the day, I have a working theory.  Things done outside in the middle of a workday are almost as sketchy and creepy as things done in the middle of the night.  I inevitably go through this pattern:

Oh look, another person home during the day! Wait, I have a reason for being home. Why is this person home? What is he doing? Where is he going? Why is he home? What is in that bag? Why is he digging behind my house? What could POSSIBLY lead to this chain of events???

And then I realize that I have wasted roughly 10 minutes wondering why someone could POSSIBLY be home in the middle of the day and WHY they are walking home from the grocery store with a BAG of all things?!! I might be easily distracted.

This summer, I will be busy at an externship with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and will be gone during the day.  This fall, I will have some classes during the day.  Until then, I will be that creepy lady peering out windows wondering why people are deviating from their known routines.  Just call me Gladys Kravitz.