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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thank Goodness for iPhone Monopoly

So this is not my first blog.  I had one of those extraordinarily weepy live journals back in the day with the little emoticon that said how I was feeling at all times.  I had one when I went to France.  I suppose I could have picked up with the France one ( if anyone is interested) but I decided to preserve its integrity.  Also I spent a lot of time typing into it from French keyboards so there a lot of typos and that drives me crazy.  Not that you can expect perfect typing from me but I deserve a fresh start with a keyboard that isn't adding circumflexes in random spots.

Anyways, I have been snowed in since Friday, FRIDAY.  It is now Wednesday.  My chain-link fence is a distant memory.  My boxwoods, what boxwoods? Apparently my house is made out of ice, icicles, and snowdrifts. Any minute now a big red and white striped pole is going to pop out of the ground and penguins will slide by. The dog, Georgia, and the cat, Edmond, have been chasing each other with excess energy. I have had about 10 gallons of caffeine, which led to me doing kickboxing on demand (thanks Comcast!) at 11pm last night. You would think that I would be super productive, what with the week off from law school and work, but no.  I saw a fabulous episode of 18 Kids and Counting yesterday.  I watched almost an entire season of CSI.  This is what I have been doing for DAYS.

I have to say, being snowed in does funny things to people. For example, I found great pleasure in watching the snow plow guy driving down the street with the plow part of his vehicle suspended in the air, mullet blowing in the wind, sun bouncing off his aviators, rocking out to Beyonce.  I think that part of the plow is supposed to touch the actual snow.  The purpose isn't to catch the flurries as they fall, though I guess that might keep SOME of this snow off the ground. Who am I to judge right? I am not a professional snow-plower.  Maybe he is a preemptive plower?

Yesterday, I went on a grand Hampden adventure.  Since Dan was off at work like a brave soldier, I was  trying to do something aside from sit and went into a few shops on the Avenue.  I learned 2 things.  First,  there are more potholes in the street than previously thought.  I know because I found them all.  I haven't been puddle jumping since I was little and regardless of the wet jeans, it was kind of entertaining!  Second, people get chatty when they get snowed in, including myself apparently.  I spent a good 20 minutes hanging out in a store talking about snow and plows and the like.  People are friendly when they have been cooped up for a while!  That probably doesn't apply to jails.  Just a thought.

Anyways, part of my adventure was going to the grocery store, which wasn't full of chatty, happy people.  Rather, it was full of a bunch of people just trying to get food and get home before the next wave of snow.  I stood in line for a good 30 min waiting to check out (self-check, that's how I roll).  Thankfully, since I have the attention span of a 1st grader, I have monopoly on my iPhone.  I am pretty sure that people thought I was insane, since I kept shaking my phone (that is what you have to do to "roll the dice").  The highlight of the day definitely came from yet another mulleted individual. A woman with a truly awesome mullet wearing a Ravens jersey became somewhat irate.  I don't blame her, the line was long, the wind was picking up outside, it was getting dark.  But none of these things were irking her.  She started yelling at her shopping buddy exasperatedly, "Where dem hohos?!" I did not realize hohos were such an important blizzard staple.  I suppose it isn't any stranger than my Annie's Bunny Pasta with Yummy Cheese.  Bunny pasta is always a staple.

Tomorrow, no work and no school.  I should probably get some work done.  I also plan on making a snowman, working on my wedding album (yes I know we celebrated our 2 year anniversary in October, don't rush me!) and watching Indiana Jones.  Beverley also let me borrow the True Blood books, rather one of them, and I plan on embarking on that adventure as well.  I have a huge stack of books to read and I LOVE reading but for some reason CSI is mind-numbingly more accessible.  Perhaps tomorrow I will pick colors to paint the living room/dining room and the basement too.  Lofty ideas, always start big!

As you can probably tell, there is no theme to my blog.  I live in Hampden with some crazy and wonderful people/animals, including but not limited to Dan, Georgia and Edmond.  Hopefully Edmond doesn't pull an Omen on us and burn us in our beds.  He has shifty eyes.

I'll let everyone know how my plans go tomorrow.  Since I have already accomplished my other goals of the week like painting my nails raspberry pink and keeping the door locked, I have high hopes.

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