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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Next Step in Being Happier?

Well, folks, I have done the unthinkable.  After the whining, bitching and moaning, I decided to act.  In an attempt to streamline my life, get some sanity back, and get more sleep, I quit my day job.  You know how everyone tells people not to?  Well, I did. 

One of my favorite wallpapers from Foxy Blunt perfectly captures the mood, as always. ( 
So far, I have slept. A lot.  I have od'ed on HGTV.  Did I also mention it is spring break?  That means that, aside from an interview for a summer clerkship I had on Monday and my normal head shrinking appointment yesterday, I have had no appointments, no meetings, no requirements.  One would think that would be liberating?  I have been just... watching Georgia run back and forth.  I should be studying, but I am tired.  Overwhelmingly tired.
Even Georgia needs a recharge.

I went and saw the King's Speech in the middle of the afternoon yesterday and now I am thoroughly convinced of two things.  1. That movie deserved the Oscars it won and 2. England is basically Baltimore in March all of the time.  It is grey. It is rainy.  Why did I leave Portland if it is at least GREEN there?!  In Baltimore, it is rainy and I am just more likely to get murdered here... in the rain.  There is a gutter outside my house I could make good use of!

So, in short, my "Be Happier" plan is faltering.  There is only one solution to this problem.  Change perspective! Tonight is the Top Chef finale and I am going to cook something!  Tomorrow, I am getting up, getting dressed and getting to the art store to get watercolor paper.  I will take Georgia for a walk and paint my nails and get my homework done.  Then I am doing something fun.  Freedom will be great, I think I just need to adjust.

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