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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Lopsided Cold

Don't you just love it when you have a cold, feel like there is an airplane buzzing in your ear, and yet you sound perfectly normal? When one nostril is stuffed with cotton and the other is the Gobi Desert?
Welcome to the... lopsided cold. 

I need tea. Lots of tea.From via Pinterest

 That is me right now.  There I was, sitting in class, minding my own business/germs when WHAM! Zero to sick in 10 seconds flat.  How does that even happen?!  I keep thinking oh I need to rest, but I spend the majority of my life reading/writing on the couch. I couldn't be more reclined unless I was hanging from my toes.  And yet, I am still tired. Le sigh.

However, I find that when I have a cold, I seek out colorful things. Somehow, hot orange is going to zap the snot out of my nose or something.  You wouldn't guess this, but I really do love studying law.  I like all of the little problems and the big problems and trying to find solutions.  It is a creative process.  Sadly, it is not always the most aesthetic process. 
Who picked these colors?? via Google Image
I am just not a burgundy and forest green kind of girl.  I don't have any country time wallpaper borders in my house, there is not a splinter of mahogany within eyesight, and if I could cover all my law books in some way, I would.  In fact, give me another snowstorm and I'll do it.

Think I could use the old excuse, "My law books aren't aesthetically pleasing so I couldn't open them," for why I didn't do my reading?  Probably not.  I guess I will just have to look at my curtains instead.

And my lime green chair and my bright orange table and and and... it goes on. There is not a neutral in my house, really. I think I will keep it that way!

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