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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Une Nuit Blanche

I would like to introduce you to the journal petitioning process.  

Yes, under those envelopes is my 500 page petitioning packet.
Georgia wasn't fond of it either.
It is some sort of ritualized horror show. 

First, they start by scaring the crap out of you by making up rules that are almost impossible to NOT violate, like prohibiting grammar check.  Let me say that I needed help to figure out how to turn that thing off.  Like grammar check is EVER helpful, am I right? I know what IS and IS NOT a sentence fragment! Or maybe I just LIKE sentence fragments. Ever thought of that? 

Then, they give you a giant envelope.  Within that envelope lies a magic time-sucking device.  All you have to do is open Word, disable grammar check, and sit with said envelope for extensive periods of time.  Don't worry, you have time to regret not doing anything later.  Petitioning, after all, is a roughly two-week process.  I, for one, carried that damn envelope around with me like some sort of albatross around my neck, hoping that I would absorb its contents via osmosis or something.

I have been known to do the same thing with my outlines. Ah security blankets.

And, then, all of a sudden it is Memorial Day Weekend (a.k.a. weekend of doom before the dreaded thing is due).  Then it is time to enter the denial phase.  You will Google the phrase "is law review worth it?" You will do this several times, just in case some brilliant legal mind suddenly wrote a treatise on why being on a journal is totally worthless and does nothing for your resume.  Trust me, they don't say what you want to read.  It's all... oh it is totally worth it and you should do it! You will not want to do it.   

Edmond was taunting me with his sleeping.

I almost quit at 3am on Monday morning.  In fact, I listened to the song "Save Me" by Aimee Mann about 50 times, hoping someone would swoop in and write the damn thing for me.  Then I switched to Dido's "White Flag" because nobody was awake at 3am that wanted to write my case note for me.  Funny how everyone CONVENIENTLY goes to sleep at night so they don't have to do my work for me.

I, however, am a super trooper.  And yes, I had Mamma Mia on in the background.  And now I have "Super Trooper" stuck in my head.  And I turned in my petition- all 538 pages, 31 copies, and 5 envelopes worth.  I even stapled them because I am fancy (and they told me to).  

Then, I threw the whole packet into the recycling bin.  It was fantastic.  

P.S. Sometimes I listen to terrible music.
P.P.S I did not actually violate any rules, and yes, petitioning is worth it and I am glad I did it.  I am also equally glad it is over.  Now I need to know... did I make it??

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