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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Lopsided Cold

Don't you just love it when you have a cold, feel like there is an airplane buzzing in your ear, and yet you sound perfectly normal? When one nostril is stuffed with cotton and the other is the Gobi Desert?
Welcome to the... lopsided cold. 

I need tea. Lots of tea.From via Pinterest

 That is me right now.  There I was, sitting in class, minding my own business/germs when WHAM! Zero to sick in 10 seconds flat.  How does that even happen?!  I keep thinking oh I need to rest, but I spend the majority of my life reading/writing on the couch. I couldn't be more reclined unless I was hanging from my toes.  And yet, I am still tired. Le sigh.

However, I find that when I have a cold, I seek out colorful things. Somehow, hot orange is going to zap the snot out of my nose or something.  You wouldn't guess this, but I really do love studying law.  I like all of the little problems and the big problems and trying to find solutions.  It is a creative process.  Sadly, it is not always the most aesthetic process. 
Who picked these colors?? via Google Image
I am just not a burgundy and forest green kind of girl.  I don't have any country time wallpaper borders in my house, there is not a splinter of mahogany within eyesight, and if I could cover all my law books in some way, I would.  In fact, give me another snowstorm and I'll do it.

Think I could use the old excuse, "My law books aren't aesthetically pleasing so I couldn't open them," for why I didn't do my reading?  Probably not.  I guess I will just have to look at my curtains instead.

And my lime green chair and my bright orange table and and and... it goes on. There is not a neutral in my house, really. I think I will keep it that way!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Une Nuit Blanche

I would like to introduce you to the journal petitioning process.  

Yes, under those envelopes is my 500 page petitioning packet.
Georgia wasn't fond of it either.
It is some sort of ritualized horror show. 

First, they start by scaring the crap out of you by making up rules that are almost impossible to NOT violate, like prohibiting grammar check.  Let me say that I needed help to figure out how to turn that thing off.  Like grammar check is EVER helpful, am I right? I know what IS and IS NOT a sentence fragment! Or maybe I just LIKE sentence fragments. Ever thought of that? 

Then, they give you a giant envelope.  Within that envelope lies a magic time-sucking device.  All you have to do is open Word, disable grammar check, and sit with said envelope for extensive periods of time.  Don't worry, you have time to regret not doing anything later.  Petitioning, after all, is a roughly two-week process.  I, for one, carried that damn envelope around with me like some sort of albatross around my neck, hoping that I would absorb its contents via osmosis or something.

I have been known to do the same thing with my outlines. Ah security blankets.

And, then, all of a sudden it is Memorial Day Weekend (a.k.a. weekend of doom before the dreaded thing is due).  Then it is time to enter the denial phase.  You will Google the phrase "is law review worth it?" You will do this several times, just in case some brilliant legal mind suddenly wrote a treatise on why being on a journal is totally worthless and does nothing for your resume.  Trust me, they don't say what you want to read.  It's all... oh it is totally worth it and you should do it! You will not want to do it.   

Edmond was taunting me with his sleeping.

I almost quit at 3am on Monday morning.  In fact, I listened to the song "Save Me" by Aimee Mann about 50 times, hoping someone would swoop in and write the damn thing for me.  Then I switched to Dido's "White Flag" because nobody was awake at 3am that wanted to write my case note for me.  Funny how everyone CONVENIENTLY goes to sleep at night so they don't have to do my work for me.

I, however, am a super trooper.  And yes, I had Mamma Mia on in the background.  And now I have "Super Trooper" stuck in my head.  And I turned in my petition- all 538 pages, 31 copies, and 5 envelopes worth.  I even stapled them because I am fancy (and they told me to).  

Then, I threw the whole packet into the recycling bin.  It was fantastic.  

P.S. Sometimes I listen to terrible music.
P.P.S I did not actually violate any rules, and yes, petitioning is worth it and I am glad I did it.  I am also equally glad it is over.  Now I need to know... did I make it??

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am studying really hard

My first final of the semester was yesterday.  Thank goodness that is over.  Two more to go. 

So since time is such a precious commodity, clearly these days all I do is study.

I definitely don't have time to dust.

Or to sweep, mop and wash the rug.

Or to get out the hammer and nails...

To hang my new bird flags! 

A surprise present from my mom, even though her birthday and mother's day are this week.  How is this fair? I am going to try not to think about it too hard!

P.S. Notice there are no large pictures of how my house looks right now.  This is on purpose.  I may be somewhat cleaning/shirking my study duties right now but that doesn't mean I COMPLETELY abandoned all sanity to completely clean my house in the middle of finals.  What, you thought I had totally lost it? 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bunny Cake Results!!

I just realized that I never shared the results of the ULTIMATE BUNNY CAKE ADVENTURE!!!!!

Bunny cake accoutrements
So, this year our bunny had a bit of a skin condition- partially because the cake was a bit dry and crumbly and the frosting wasn't adhering like it usually does and partially because my family has an absurd sense of humor.  When you see dots candy, do you automatically think pimple? My mom and brother do apparently.

Making a bunny cake is a messy business
The poor bunny has a zit. Also, sometimes less is more, but not with a bunny cake that already has acne. We decided that a mountain of sprinkles, some m&m eyes and a sprinkle widow's peak was necessary for this year's bunny.  BEHOLD!!

The finished bunny cake!!!

I have a theory

Our house is located next to a pass-through.

This means two things: 1. we have a lot of windows 2. there is an extraordinary amount of traffic going by said windows.  Now that I am home for a lot of the day, I have a working theory.  Things done outside in the middle of a workday are almost as sketchy and creepy as things done in the middle of the night.  I inevitably go through this pattern:

Oh look, another person home during the day! Wait, I have a reason for being home. Why is this person home? What is he doing? Where is he going? Why is he home? What is in that bag? Why is he digging behind my house? What could POSSIBLY lead to this chain of events???

And then I realize that I have wasted roughly 10 minutes wondering why someone could POSSIBLY be home in the middle of the day and WHY they are walking home from the grocery store with a BAG of all things?!! I might be easily distracted.

This summer, I will be busy at an externship with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and will be gone during the day.  This fall, I will have some classes during the day.  Until then, I will be that creepy lady peering out windows wondering why people are deviating from their known routines.  Just call me Gladys Kravitz.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A fake-out, a crazy lizard thing, and a future bunny cake

First off, my brilliant plan to cook and watch the Top Chef finale? Foiled- not because I didn't cook (I totally did for once!) but because this week wasn't the Top Chef finale.  Does anyone ever remember there being MULTIPLE SHOWS set in the Top Chef finale locale?  I remember one to weed off a person that probably shouldn't have been invited in the first place but the producers wanted a "twist" so there they are! We are on our third show in the Bahamas now.  I say "our" like I have some sort of claim on this show.  I like to think of all Bravo shows as "my" shows.  I like to claim things that aren't mine. Kind of like my friend Rhiannon decided that a hooker that lived near her host family's apartment in France was "her hooker" and named her "Desiree."  Fun times.

I have decided to add this pretty picture of flowers because a picture of a hooker named Desiree would not be very classy.  However, it was the area where all the diplomats lived so maybe she is a classy gal, I don't know her life.

Anyway, Dan really wanted to see Rango this weekend, and I had nothing against it, so I put on my cowboy boots and off we went! I like to dress like the movies I go to see.  Of course right now I can't think of an instant in the past when I have done this but wouldn't it be great if people could dress in period garb or something without it being strange?  Well, I wore my boots to a cartoon western about a lizard.  Let me tell you, that movie was awesome and it wasn't really kid-friendly.  There was a line about pooping out spines, I kid you not.  I was shocked the little kids in the audience weren't screaming in terror at some points but maybe kids are just hardier than I thought.  I have none, so I cannot judge.  Long story short, go see Rango, it is better than I thought it would be!

The grand plan for next week.... fake Easter! My brother will be in town (yay Phil!) so I think we might just do the whole Easter thing a few weeks early.  I would like to point out that Easter is WAY late this year.  Like practically in May.  How is that even... I cannot get into this.  The Easter calendar counting issue has always been a problem for me.  I know that there is a formula for this.  I have yet to learn what this formula is.  Why can't Easter be on a FIXED DAY? I mean this rhetorically.  At any rate, the big highlight of Easter in my family has always been four things things: 
  1. Awesome Easter baskets- my mom LOVES Easter and I love all things rabbit-themed, so we have had some INCREDIBLE Easter baskets in my family.  It is always so fun to do the Easter egg hunt and basket reveal. This year I might have traded in my Easter basket privileges for a shirt from Anthropologie... hey it was a cute shirt (see my last post about quitting my day job).
  2. Dyeing eggs at my grandparents' house- my dad's parents used to invite us over to decorate eggs every year.  We would come home dyed about 15 different shades of green and purple with half-cracked eggs decorated terribly every year, but my goodness did we love decorating those eggs! Fortunately, over the years our egg decorating skills improved (with the exception of my cousin Patrick, who always manages to break his eggs...).  Sadly, most of us don't live at home in Texas anymore and my grandmother, the great egg dye mixer, passed away about a year and a half ago, but we carry on the tradition in our own homes!
  3. My grandfather's egg-hunting capabilities- I have many cousins and we have always hunted eggs at my mom's parents' house.  Each grandchild has an assigned egg color- mine is purple. The younger ones had their eggs hidden in more obvious places, while the older kids could have their eggs hidden anywhere in the yard.  I mean anywhere.  Hidden up drain pipes, buried in holes in trees.  My grandfather is the king of egg-hiding and it is further complicated by the fact that he doesn't always remember where he put them (did I mention that there are a lot of eggs to hide for a lot of cousins?).  Sometimes we find the eggs the following year and I am pretty sure there are some that will live forever in the front yard under the ivy. I think the record was my cousin Gregory's egg- three years? Somebody will correct me if I am wrong, I am sure.
  4. Last but not least.. THE BUNNY CAKE!
This is before the nose ring was added... damn you, Phil, and your alterna-bunny antics! Notice also the unibrow...
Phil and I have plans to make another bunny cake while he is in town.  It is strawberry cake baked in two round cake pans.  One round pan is for the face, the other supplies the bow and ears.  I prefer a very traditional cake.  Phil likes to give them unibrows and nose rings.  It is a fight to the death! Who shall win? We will see next week!!

P.S. My apologies for the random combination of topics, sometimes these things just happen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Next Step in Being Happier?

Well, folks, I have done the unthinkable.  After the whining, bitching and moaning, I decided to act.  In an attempt to streamline my life, get some sanity back, and get more sleep, I quit my day job.  You know how everyone tells people not to?  Well, I did. 

One of my favorite wallpapers from Foxy Blunt perfectly captures the mood, as always. ( 
So far, I have slept. A lot.  I have od'ed on HGTV.  Did I also mention it is spring break?  That means that, aside from an interview for a summer clerkship I had on Monday and my normal head shrinking appointment yesterday, I have had no appointments, no meetings, no requirements.  One would think that would be liberating?  I have been just... watching Georgia run back and forth.  I should be studying, but I am tired.  Overwhelmingly tired.
Even Georgia needs a recharge.

I went and saw the King's Speech in the middle of the afternoon yesterday and now I am thoroughly convinced of two things.  1. That movie deserved the Oscars it won and 2. England is basically Baltimore in March all of the time.  It is grey. It is rainy.  Why did I leave Portland if it is at least GREEN there?!  In Baltimore, it is rainy and I am just more likely to get murdered here... in the rain.  There is a gutter outside my house I could make good use of!

So, in short, my "Be Happier" plan is faltering.  There is only one solution to this problem.  Change perspective! Tonight is the Top Chef finale and I am going to cook something!  Tomorrow, I am getting up, getting dressed and getting to the art store to get watercolor paper.  I will take Georgia for a walk and paint my nails and get my homework done.  Then I am doing something fun.  Freedom will be great, I think I just need to adjust.