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Monday, June 21, 2010

Birthdays and Adoption Days!

Sunday (June 20) was Dan's birthday!  We celebrated on Saturday and I did my absolute best to get Dan exactly what he wanted.  Those things included:

  • having people over to
    • eat breakfast for dinner (cornmeal pancakes with blueberries and apricot compote)
    • watch Tron and Total Recall
    • play games- we ended up playing Pandemic (which is an awesome game and everyone either wins or loses- we lost, oops)

(save the planet! cure the diseases!)
  • getting a robe as a present
Dan is a man who knows what he wants.  I also made him breakfast on Sunday, which I never do.  We accomplished everything on his list.  I highly recommend Pandemic for anyone who wants to tie themselves to other smart game players and ride their coattails to victory (or defeat in our case).  There are 4 diseases- red, yellow, black and blue- and each player has a special role (scientist, operations specialist, dispatcher, medic, etc.) and you all work in a team to "discover" cures to each disease and eradicate it from the map.  If there are too many outbreaks (no monkeys involved) then you lose.  We were THISCLOSE to finding the cure for our last disease (pesky blue!) and there were one too many outbreaks and dun Dun DUN! We lost.  Oh well.

Sunday was also the 1 year anniversary of adopting the pooch!  Happy Adoption Day Georgia!  She probably weighed 10-15 lbs when we got her and she had a bad case of kennel cough.  Now she is a very robust 41 lbs and couldn't be a happier doggie.  I swear she smiles!

    (Dan holding her when we got home)    (Georgia checks out her crate on day 1)

Now, remember that image above... and we have a bona fide monster below!!!

(this was taken about 4 months ago, she's grown since then!)

I will post a better comparison shot later.  What a pooch!


  1. Dan has made some pretty great choices in movie selection! I'm super excited about the new Tron coming out! Also, Georgia is much furrier than I expected! She looks super soft and fluffy. :-)

  2. ah yes she is a very furry monster. she was particularly furry in that picture because i think she was puffed up from being in the snow! her fur is EVERYWHERE in the house. in places the dog has never been! weird.
