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Monday, June 21, 2010

Contact Lens Suicide

I have been a bit... squinty lately.  I have one good eye and one bad eye.  Basically, my left eye does all the hard work and my right eye sits around eating ice cream and dreaming of shoes (or whatever an eye would do on a day off I suppose).  So, clearly, my solution to this dilemma is to wear ONE contact lens- like a fancy pirate.  I also have reading glasses that are red and awesome that I wear to work on the computer.  The reading glasses don't work without the contact lens in, by the way.  One side is plain ol' plastic and the other side looks like a coke bottle- it's awesome...

(this is my sad, overworked eye :( )

ANYWAYS, so the other day I was eating dinner (that I cooked by the way) and I noticed my eye felt funny.  Ironically, nothing looks different when my contact falls out because my left eye (see picture) takes over and takes care of business.  I looked down at my plate and there was my contact lens- right in a pile of zucchini.  Sad day.  Of course, this is the only contact I have left.  Dan convinced me that zucchini-eye was probably some sort of incurable disease.  So far, I have been too busy/lazy/cheap to order more contacts and so I have been sitting, squinting at my computer in pain for a week.  Although I can *see* just fine, my head doesn't like having to work so hard.  Also, my already-dubious parallel parking skills are shot.  This is my Monday lament!

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