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Monday, June 14, 2010

Crab flavored popcorn

Yes, my friends, I saw it at SuperFresh! Such a thing as crab flavored microwave popcorn does exist!  My tongue shrivels up at the thought of the generic Old Bay flavoring sprinkled onto already-sodium-saturated microwave popcorn.  Dan got me a popcorn popper for Christmas 2 years ago and that thing is the best present I have ever gotten (after my engagement ring oh so many Christmases ago!).  It allows me to avoid EXACTLY this type of thing- the temptation of preservative-covered salt soaked in salt and then spread like a rash over corn.  I can put anything I want on MY popcorn and I know exactly what is in there- corn! Plus whatever I use to season it.  That crab corn makes me feel a bit dirty.  I feel like I need to go drink a GIANT glass of water.

Speaking of food, my foray into cooking is going somewhat well!  I am relying heavily on the lettuce/feta/berry/greek dressing combo but I DID try a recipe Friday that didn't kill anybody.  It was called the Summer Saute (a Whole Foods recipe from my iPhone app- gotta love it) and involved sausage (pre-cooked, who do I look like, Martha?), polenta (pre-cooked, see previous comment), red onion, zucchini and bell pepper (NOT pre-cooked, maybe a little Martha?).  The recipe wanted me to use red bell pepper but I said NO! Orange bell pepper is FAR superior to red bell pepper! So I substituted.  Basically, you do the following:

  • heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a pan (yep, don't know the name of the pan- I used the Le Creuset skillet thing my brother, Andrew, got us as a wedding present)
  • add 1/2 c. chopped red onion, 1 chopped med. zucchini, 1 sliced ORANGE bell pepper- cook for 5 min.
  • add 1 package cooked sausage, sliced, cook for 7ish minutes
  • I forgot to mention to slice the polenta 1/2 in. and cook- somehow- there were no specific instructions.  I stuck them on a griddle until they were warm and it seemed to work
  • put polenta circles on bottom, everything else on top, serve!
Dan likes to make fun of me for only reading directions once I start cooking.  This time was no different.  BUT the recipe was so easy, I couldn't really screw it up.  I suggest everyone try it!

1 comment:

  1. These popcorn variations sound great! I just made some triple chocolate caramel popcorn, and was looking for savory flavors. Thanks! You know more about the Flavored Popcorn visit at Flavored Popcorn
